Sometimes you find yourself in an amazing situation....a plethora of young, curious minds wanting to share in your passion for animals. I hosted Christmas this year and found myself with ten kiddos all wanting to meet the creepy, the crawly, and the cuddly. So what did I do? Why, I obliged of course!

No fear here! The kiddos loved holding the millipede and talking about how it looked like a worm. We noticed how the millepede moves and, unlike an earthworm, has teeny tiny legs.

Look at the joy on those faces! Here Mr. Wigglesworth displays how he earned his name! The kids cracked up ever time he spun around in my hands.

My walking sticks are still pretty small so we played hide and seek with them. I didn't tell the kids what was in the enclosure. Instead, they had to look and find the animal. We then talked about why anyone would want to look like a stick!

One of my favorite parts about programs is when children share their ideas and questions. Look at those future scientist, humanitarians, doctors, etc. I believe a curious mind is a gift to the world and each one of these kids will do great things.